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The musical comedy No, No Nanette, with music by Vincent Youmans, is playing at The Globe Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 321 performances.
Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra play at Carnegie Hall, New York City, USA.
Musical comedy The Cocoanuts, starring The Marx Brothers, with music by Irving Berlin, plays at Lyric Theatre, on 52nd Street and Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 276 performances.
Musical play The Jazz Singer, starring George Jessel, opens at The Fulton Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 303 performances. The play will become a ground-breaking movie of the same name starring Al Jolson.
Alex Bradford is born in Bessemer, Alabama, USA. He will become a gospel music child prodigy, composer, singer and arranger, going to record for Specialty Records, and being proclaimed as an influence on Little Richard, Ray Charles, Bob Marley, LaVern Baker and others.
The price of the Victrola Orthophonic Credenza Upright Grand Gramophone is increased in the USA from $275 to $300. The Credenza features the largest horn made by Victor.
Jack Hylton's Kit-Kat Band records Ask Her, I'm Still In Love With You and Don't Wake Me Up, Let Me Dream, HMV Records in Hayes, Middlesex, UK.
Jack Hylton's Kit-Kat Band records Ask Her, I'm Still In Love With You and Don't Wake Me Up, Let Me Dream, for HMV Records in Hayes, Middlesex, UK.
Dublin radio station 2RN begins broadcasting on a regular basis. This is widely regarded as the start of regular radio transmissions in Ireland.
Musical revue The Greenwich Village Follies of 1925 plays at Chanin's 46th Street Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 188 performances.