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Fact #99148


Short story:

The All-Star 64 package tour plays at Sophia Gardens, Cardiff, Wales, featuring Helen Shapiro, The Rolling Stones, Mike Berry, Jet Harris, Billie Davis, Bern Elliott And The Fenmen, and The Paramounts

Full article:

Nick Kent (journalist) : A schoolfriend's father was the promoter of gigs at the Sophia Gardens in Cardiff. He got me backstage to meet them. Johnny Leyton was topping the bill. Jet Harris was on there. Their day was done. They weren't going to last another year.

It was the changing of the guard culturally; the Stones just took that place. We had front-row seats and girls in the third row were threatening us with their stilettos. Backstage Brian was clearly the leader. The others were sulking around but Brian was smiling and talking to all the girls.

(Source : unknown)

N.B. Some sources say that Helen Shapiro had, by this time, replaced John Leyton on this tour.