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Fact #98990


Short story:

Patrick McNee and Honor Blackman, stars of the cult tv show The Avengers, release a cash-in single, Kinky Boots, on Decca Records in the UK.

Full article:

Herbert Kretzmer (composer, Kinky Boots) : Kinky Boots was done in half an hour. It was written at the time of That Was The Week That Was, the satirical show that took the country apart on Saturday nights.

Ned Sherrin had commissioned some shots of King's Road on a Saturday with girls wearing thigh boots and high skirts, which was the fashion of the time. It was a two minute film and the whole thing was shot from the waist downwards, a montage of pretty long legs in boots and miniskirts. Ned wanted a tune to go with it as he didn't feel that it needed a spoken commentary.

The little song would be disposable and never heard of again. Some years later we did another song for Patrick McNee and Honor Blackman called Let's Keep It Friendly, which was a terrible little song in the Avengers personae. They needed a B-side and Dave Lee reminded me of Kinky Boots from several years earlier. Honor Blackman was the girl with leather boots in The Avengers so we brought it out of the trunk.

Simon Mayo heard it and thought the recording was terrible, but the whole thing tickled him. Patrick McNee was certainly a very stiff participant in the proceedings. It made for a very odd record and Mayo said, 'Let's make it number one.' It was one of those bets that disc jockeys make with each other. It almost worked.

It was popular with schoolchildren for some reason and some people are far more impressed that I wrote that than Les Miserables. You know, 'Wow, that's really something.' They tend to be very young but one must take one's fans where one can find them these days.

(Source : unknown)