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Fact #98792


Short story:

The Beatles continue with rehearsals for a second Ed Sullivan Show appearance, in Miami, Florida, USA.

Full article:

Steve Brandt (friend of Estelle Bennett of The Ronettes) : I went to meet the boys at the rehearsal for their second Ed Sullivan TV appearance. They hadn't arrived and the crew was getting impatient. When the four of them finally marched in, I heard a cameraman say, "Look at that hair, they look like girls. I can't see why kids carry on about them."

The Beatles took their place on stage and went on with the rehearsal. From time to time they talked with the various cameramen and stagehands. By the end of the afternoon, they had made everyone a fan. One of the men who had complained about them in the morning, said, "What great guys," as we left.
(Source : not known)