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Fact #98707


Short story:

Granada TV in the UK transmits Yeah Yeah Yeah, a documentary report on The Beatles in New York City, USA.

Full article:

Dick Fontaine (researcher, Granada tv) : One night at the end of 1962 I went to the Cavern Club to hear some jazz. When I got there they produced Lennon and McCartney to talk to me. Some- one at the club had said to them: 'A bloke from the telly's coming.' It was the week Ringo joined the band. John and Paul said, 'Come back and hear us', so I did, and I thought: 'Aha, here's my first film.'

(A year later) I called an avant-garde film-maker, Ricky Leacock. He thought it was a dumb idea but suggested Albert and David Maysles. I phoned them in New York on a Wednesday, and
Friday the band arrived. I asked them to start filming when the plane landed, and I met them there.

Kennedy had been killed just two months before. The children of America were in trauma. That had a huge amount to do with what happened with the Beatles there. It was phenomenal, other-worldly.

Albert Maysles (film-maker) : You could really film people's events and experiences without imposing yourself with lights and tripods and unwieldy equipment. We were paying attention to people's lives as they were lived. We stuck to our principle of not trying to change anyone's behaviour.
(Source : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.music.beatles/9uHq6p-9geI)