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Fact #98445


Short story:

The Rolling Stones record Can I Get A Witness, Little By Little, Andrew's Blues, and Mr. Spector And Mr. Pitney Came Too, at Regent Sound Studios, London, UK. The last of the four tracks refers to the fact that record producer Phil Spector and singer-songwriter Gene Pitney had visited them in the studio.

Full article:

Andrew Oldham (manager) : We did the first album in about ten days. We'd decide to do a tune, but Mick wouldn't know the words, so Mick would run around to Denmark Street to Carlin Music to pick up the words to something like Can I Get a Witness? He'd come back 25 minutes later and we'd start.

Bill Wyman (bassist) : Andrew was always pushing us to get us to do Motown things like Can I Get a Witness? And he was right as well; he was more right than we were. And, of course, when Mick and Keith got into writing, the songs came out more like he was looking for. Keith was always more into soul music than me or Charlie, and Mick loved soul performers like Wilson Pickett and James Brown.