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Fact #96485


Short story:

One of the UK's first stereophonic radio broadcasts is transmitted, featuring live sets specially recorded by The Rolling Stones, Georgie Fame and Long John Baldry.

Full article:

Ian Grant (producer, Rhythm And Blues) : They had to broadcast on two separate channels, that was the only way. And so the Third Programme, or Network 3 as it was called, had television sound for use. That meant you had to move your radio near to your television and place it eight feet apart at the suitable angles and sit in the middle and you got this stereo image. Before the broadcast they put this little announcement saying, 'Just to qualify the system: have you got your television sound? This is the left speaker, this is the right speaker' - so if you've got your left and right it's great! And they played the tape and that's what happened. And I sit at home listenin' to my broadcast in stereo.
(Source : not known)