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Fact #95389


Short story:

Declan MacManus goes to Goodison Park football ground in Liverpool, UK, where he sees Everton lose 4-0 to Sheffield Wednesday. Declan will grow up to be Elvis Costello.

Full article:

Elvis Costello : My dad was very fair, he took me - in 1962, alternate weeks - to home games at Anfield and Goodison. So I could make my own mind up. The worse problems would just not exist would they, if you could choose religion in the same way?

So we went to Everton and they lost 4 - nil at home and we went to Liverpool and they won 5-1 against Leeds and the record books might tell me I'm remembering it wrong, but I believe it was the season they they went up from the Second Division, so naturally at that age that's it, you're sold aren't you? A team in red that wins five-one, that's the one for me!