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Fact #95044


Short story:

Ringo Starr drums for the first time as an official member of The Beatles, at the Horticultural Society Dance, Hulme Hall, Port Sunlight, Birkenhead, Lancashire, UK.

Full article:

Beryl Wooler (Assistant to Beatles' manager Brian Epstein] : When we got to the gig that night, it was absolutely amazing. Some of the girls were crying. They wanted Pete back. 'Who's Ringo?' they asked. It was really sad.

Paul McCartney [The Beatles] : Ringo's older, he'd worked Butlin's, he'd grown a beard. He had a suit. It was all very sophisticated, and he used to drink Bourbon. I'd never heard of bourbon. Bourbon and lemonade was the drink, and that turned into scotch and coke somewhere along the line. Probably when we couldn't get bourbon.

He's a grown-up, Ringo. Always is, always been like a grown-up. I suspect when he was about three he was a grown-up.