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Fact #93852


Short story:

After America's most outrageous band, The Fugs, finish a two night stint at London's Roundhouse, they rent a red double-decker bus and drive to Stonehenge, Wiltshire, UK, where, according to band member Ed Sanders, 'We were able to frolic all over Stonehenge'.

Full article:

Ed Sanders (The Fugs) : We did a couple of shows there in the fall of '68 after the Essen Festival. We rented a red double-decker bus and took a bunch of friends and packed it with hippies and poets such as Michael Horowitz and others and drove out through the English countryside to Stonehenge which at that point was not covered with wire. We were able to frolic all over Stonehenge.
(Source : Interview by Michael Simmons, Mojo magazine, June 2011)