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Fact #91605


Short story:

When The Everly Brothers hold their comeback concert at the Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK, Europe, the audience includes Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney, Ringo Starr, Barbara Bach, Eric Clapton and former member of The Monkees Mickey Dolenz.

Full article:

Albert Lee (guitarist and musical director) : Their relationship was a little volatile at times, of course, and I thought, 'Well, I wonder how long this will last?' They hadn't spoken in ten years before they did that (London) concert. The fact that the following year they said, 'Right, we're gonna do a record and we're gonna go on the road' and it actually lasted was to my great surprise.
(Source : interview in Billboard magazine, 2014)

Charles Glover (reviewer, Daily Telegraph) : Though surprising, there was no doubt that their reconciliation concert, held for sentimental reasons at the Albert Hall, was a triumph. Looking neither young nor old, two smooth well-built figures in dinner jackets with acoustic guitars, the Everlys (Don 46, Phil 44) performed a catalogue of their hits with such immaculate phrasing and delicate, glistening harmonies that it was as if hearing them for the first time.