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Fact #89198


Short story:

The Beatles check in to The Antrobus Arms hotel in Amesbury, Wiltshire, UK, where they are shortly to re-commence location filming on Salisbury Plain for their movie Help!

Full article:

Stephen Eckersley : I remember The Beatles staying at the Antrobus Arms in Amesbury whilst they filmed scenes for Help! I was only five at the time, and I was smuggled into the Hotel foyer with my sister. I can still remember the sea of faces that crushed against the outer door, as people tried to get a view of the Fab Four, and the entourage that sweeped down the stairs, including John Lennon, who told my sister and I to get out! My father ran the pub next door to the Hotel, and often told us stories of girls trying to scale walls to get into the Antrobus and the obscene money that the was being thrown around by the Beatles Roadshow!
(Source : http://www.bbc.co.uk/wiltshire/content/articles/2008/02/26/sixties_bands_in_wiltshire_feature.shtml)