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Fact #88759


Short story:

Bob Dylan plays at Gerde's Folk City, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Mike Porco (owner of Gerde's) : He came in on the Monday hoot a few times and he would perform. The first couple of times I didn't pay much attention. He sang a couple of his own songs and a couple Woody Guthrie songs. He didn't sound bad and a couple of people would say, 'Mike, that kid is very good. Did you pay any attention to him?'

Mell Bailey and his wife Lillian were very good friends of mine and Bobby's. They would say, "Mike, you know he wrote that song?" So, when Dylan got through one night, I went to him and said, "You wrote that song?" he said, "Yes, that's my song, Don't Think Twice." So I started paying attention.