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Fact #88322


Short story:

Johnny Cash plays at Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Johnny Cash : It was a magic night! The air was electric and felt good. The audience responded beautifully.

Al Aronowitz (reviewer, New York Times) : He sang Big River and he sang The Wall and he sang about the floods of Arkansas. "How high is the water, mama? Two feet high and rising..."

He introduced his 72-year-old father and his kid brother, Tommy. He sang I Still Miss Someone and A Boy Named Sue and he sang with the Statler Brothers and the Carter Family, minus, unfortunately, his wife, June, who's expecting another child. He sang about the Alamo and he sang about Ira Hayes and he sang prison songs and he sang Wreck of the Old 97 and he sang Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?

He sang and sang and sang and he sang so well that even if he had stayed on the revolving stage another two hours it wouldn't have been enough.