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Fact #86822


Short story:

Mark Knopfler, founder of the band Dire Straits, announces that he has cancelled two concerts in Russia, following what he describes as a crackdown on human rights groups. Russian prosecutors and tax officials had recently searched the offices of Amnesty International and other human rights organisations, allegedly in an effort to stifle criticism of President Vladimir Putin.

Full article:

Paul Crockford [manager, Mark Knopfler] : Those gigs had been booked in August of 2102. Mark just called me up and said he was uncomfortable about going there. He's an intelligent bloke, well-read, up on current affairs, and he felt it was not right for him to go in the light of the raids on the Amnesty office and other human rights offices. He was also concerned, because of the general anti-Western rhetoric, for the Americans in the band and crew.

He told me, 'I just don't wanna do it' and I did a sharp intake of breath and said, 'Well, if you don't want to do it, I'll stand by your decision."

He wanted to make a stand about it. He was very torn because he didn't want to disappoint the fans in those places, but he felt very strongly about the political issues. rn(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, June 2013)