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Fact #85900


Short story:

Miracle Mile release the album In Cassidy's Care on MeMe Records in the UK.

Full article:

If, like me, you've stuck with Miracle Mile since they started in the mid-90s all you need to know is that this is their new album. If not, let me tell you that these chaps - songwriter and singer Trevor Jones and multi-instrumentalist/producer Marcus Cliffe - are far and away the most unfairly unsung musical wizards ever to emerge from this sceptered isle. This latest offering is a concept album of sorts, but don't let that concern you because these are twelve stand-alone songs, big on memorable tunes wrapped around honest-to-goodness emotionally-involving lyrics. The icing on the cake is that they're also sung, played and arranged impeccably. But, if you've been with them from the start, you'd expect nothing less.
(Johnny Black, Hi Fi News, 2013)