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Fact #84514


Short story:

Jamie-T plays at The 12-Bar Club, London, UK, supported by Laura Marling, whose backing group will later find fame as Mumford And Sons. (2006))

Full article:

Lucy Dickins (booking agent, ITB) : Jamie T invited her to support him at The 12 Bar, which I was promoting for him. He rang me up and said, 'I've met this girl, she's only young, but she's fuckin' incredible.' Those were his exact words. He said, 'I want her to support me at The 12 Bar, is that all right?' And when I saw her I was just stunned. She was absolutely amazing.

Her band was the guys who later became Mumford And Sons and when Laura did her shows they used to have these hoe-downs after her gigs, with all the musicians who were at the gig. I remember it was in Manchester and Adam Tudhope, Laura's wonderful manager, said, 'Come and listen to this guy's voice.' It was Marcus and, again, I was like, 'Fuckin' ell, this is incredible.' Then they formed Mumford And Sons.

Adam arranged a meeting where they could meet lots of agents, and I was invited along, and they chose me. I suppose I had a slight advantage because they all knew me through Laura. I also look after Jonny Flynn, and I do Devendra, and we all share a love of those kinds of acts.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, February 2013)rn