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Fact #79026


Short story:

A new, softly spoken deejay, John Peel, makes his first broadcast for offshore UK pirate radio station Radio London.

Full article:

John Peel : My mum lived in Notting Hill and next to her there was a chap that did advertising with Radio London, so he suggested I went to see Alan Key, who was the station manager. Purely on the strength of having recently worked (on radio) in California and, fortunately, they didn't ask for an audition. They must've known they only had a limited time left. So they said, yeah, off you go. I went down to the ship and started broadcasting. I had to do a regular daytime programme, but also somebody had to do the late night shift, the midnight to two shift.

Really, my only idea at the time was to be a kind of introverted British Wolfman Jack. After I'd done a few I became aware that no one on the ship was actually listening. They were asleep, pissed, or watching porn with the Dutch crew. So (in May 1967) I dispensed completely with the playlist. I didn't run any commercials, I didn't do the news or the weather. I just started playing all the records that I'd get from California and London