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Fact #78728


Short story:

A twelve-hour long rock event, Rock Around The Clock, is held at The Iron Door Club, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, featuring performances from The Beatles, Gerry And The Pacemakers, The Big Three, Kingsize Taylor and The Dominoes, The Remo Four and Rory Storm And The Hurricanes.

Full article:

Sam Leach (gig promoter) : The Cavern was a jazz club when I commenced at The Iron Door. They did lunchtime sessions but never booked rock bands at night. Ray McFall and Bill Harry were both jazz freaks. Shortly after I started at The Iron Door, doing three and four sessions a week, I put on my first all nighter on March 11, 1961, and drew almost 2000 fans for a 12 hour session with 12 bands. That night the Cavern had a total of 50. I continued big nightly sessions at The Iron Door and also the Cassanova Club.

Prem Willis-Pitts (Liverpool musician) : The Iron Door was the only club that openly promoted jamming between bands and also allowed new and experimental bands to play there. This wasn't the policy at The Cavern as it passed from a "no rock, we are a jazz club" snobbery to realizing rock was where the money was at. At The Iron Door, bands would jam together after hours - the first mingling of the different strands at an 'open' stage venue where experimentation could take place. Freddie Starr cut his teeth there as did Cilla Black , Beryl Marsden, The Searchers, The Detours and many more.

Cilla Black : The first time I sang in a club after school, was with Rory Storm And The Hurricanes. Ringo used toplay the drums. The Iron Door it was, and that's where The Beatles let me sing with them, just because my girlfriend Pauline, who's nw married to Gerry Marsden, was going out with George Harrison.
(Source : Independent On Sunday, 15 December, 2002)