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Fact #7370


Short story:

The F.B.I. office in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, sends a coded teletype message to F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover, stating that "Colonel Carl E. Heustis, chief of Police, Louisville, Kentucky, this day advised that Elvis Presley and Bill Haley and his Comets, rivals for the attention of quote rock and roll unquote fans, are simultaneously booked for appearances at the Jefferson County Armoury and the Kentucky State Fairground Exposition Center November 25 next. Colonel Heustis advised he has received information that there have been riots at Jersey City, New Jersey, Asbury Park, New Jersey, Santa Cruz, Santa Jose, California, Hartford, Connecticut, USA. and Jacksonville, Florida, as a result of such simultaneous appearances. Riots reportedly resulted in many thousands of dollars property damage. Colonel Heustis requested information from this bureau regarding any such riots in an effort to prevent such recurrences here."