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Fact #73442


Short story:

The Pretenders reach No1 in the UK singles chart with Brass In Pocket.

Full article:

Chris Thomas (producer) : I especially liked 'Brass In Pocket.' I went backstage (at The Marquee, London) to tell Chrissie. However Chrissie told me she didn't really like it. I insisted it was going to be a hit and if she didn't want to record it she should send it over to the producer Willie Mitchell and it would make her a fortune.
(Source : 1000 UK No1 Hits by Jon Kutner and Spencer Leigh)

Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders) : I hated Brass In Pocket with a vengeance. It was a phenomenon that evades me completely. I was honestly very disappointed it was such a big hit, and I was very embarrassed by it.

Fuckin' Ada! I hated it so much that, if I was in Woolworths and they started playing it, then I'd have to run out of the store ... I mean, what do you do though? Everyone connected with you - the guys in the group, the manager, the producer, the record company - they're all saying, 'This is a fantastic song, this is a number one record.' And I'm going, 'Well that's exactly the reason why I don't like it, it's so obvious!'

When Chris Thomas was mixing it, I kept saying to him, 'Chris, mix my vocals down will you, please?' And he would just refuse. 'No, they have to be like this, they're meant to be clear - so people can hear them!' And obviously Chris was right because, when it was played on the radio, what you heard were the lyrics. But I still hated the fuckin' thing.
(Source : Not known)