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Fact #70131


Short story:

Andy Warhol stages Up Tight, an event featuring some of his films together with live music by The Velvet Underground and Nico at the annual banquet of the New York Society for Clinical Psychiatry, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Lou Reed (Velvet Underground) : It was a psychiatric convention or something. For some reason, they’d asked Warhol to be there and Andy took us. So yeah, this all took place. It was hilarious.

They had a sense of humour too, up to a point. But we were all interviewing them and asking them psychiatric questions. It was just a big joke.
(Source : not known)

to DP and master databases)
Grace Glueck (reviewer, New York Times) : The act really came into its own midway though the dinner roast beef with stringbeans and small potatoes, when The Velvet Underground swung into action. the high-decibel sound, aptly described by Dr Campbell as 'a short-lived torture of cacophony,' was a combination of rock 'n' roll and Egyptian belly-dance music.

Maureen Tucker (drummer, Velvet Underground] : It was always that we four were the Velvets, and Nico sang some songs with us. And I think that was the way she wanted it. She didn't aspire to be a rock and roll queen.
(Source : not known)