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Fact #69262


Short story:

Black Sabbath, featuring vocalist Ozzy Osbourne, play at McIlroy's Ballroom, Swindon, Wiltshire, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Andy Partridge (XTC) : I’d previously heard a lot of things that were described as heavy, such as Steppenwolf, but they paled into insignificance when I heard Black Sabbath. I bought that first album, and I’d never heard anything like it before. It had a demonic atmosphere but was also slightly comic. So I went to see them at McIlroy’s Ballroom in Swindon and I thought they were great. I was in the early stages of learning to play guitar and I used to play along with every track on that album until I got them perfect. I can still play every track.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Classic Rock, Jan 1, 2015)