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Fact #68075


Short story:

The Who play at McIlroy's Ballroom, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK.

Full article:

Ian Titcombe (audience) : The Who appeared at McIlroys three times I think it was. They always started with the intro to Heatwave just to grab people's attention and I always remember Roger Daltrey saying after the intro and receiving little applause, "I see we are back in Swindon then!"

The Stones, Small Faces, Lulu, Animals, Rod Stewart with the Steam Packet, Cilla Black, Searchers, Hollies, all the Liverpool and Manchester groups appeared at one time or the other plus American acts like Gene Vincent, The Platters, The Coasters (in retrospect obviously not the "originals").
(Source : http://www.bbc.co.uk/wiltshire/content/articles/2008/02/26/sixties_bands_in_wiltshire_feature.shtml)