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Fact #67346


Short story:

Peter, Paul And Mary release a new single, Puff aka Puff The Magic Dragon, on Warner Bros Records in the USA. Shortly after release it will be denounced as a coded drug song.

Full article:

Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul And Mary] : It was spurious news reporting. The first time I heard of it was a Newsweek article that said, "It is reported that..." which of course is impossible to defend against. Because it was untrue and an interpretive concept, you can make anything out of anything if you want to. 

 As I hear it, it was a joke. But, that's only hearsay on my part. I heard some reporters were sitting around saying, "We gotta do something on the interpretation of lyrics." Somebody brought up Puff the Magic Dragon and everybody cracked up and they wrote it up. The Next Time I heard anything about it was when Spiro Agnew made a reference to it.