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Fact #64295


Short story:

When Martin Chambers, drummer of The Pretenders, breaks a porcelain lampshade and accidentally cuts tendons and arteries in his hand in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the band is forced to end its current tour of the USA.

Full article:

Martin Chambers : At the time, we said I was opening a window. It was a funny period. Everyone was working very hard - a little too hard, I think. I just took a swing at a porcelain lampstand for no particular reason. I’d just had a lovely dinner. I wasn’t drunk. I hadn’t taken anything.

The lampstand went into pieces and I cut 50 percent of the tendon at the top of my middle finger. I have a few scars now and I drop a few more sticks than before, but it’s no problem. I wasn’t particularly technical or subtle in the past, so it doesn’t make a lot of difference.

In fact, I cut a finger on a bottle the first day of the next tour as well, but we got it together and spent a long, long time on the road.
(Source : http://www.pretendersarchives.com/articles/ArtTrouserPress0583.html)