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Fact #62151


Short story:

Paul McCartney opens his Driving USA tour at Oakland Arena, Oakland, California.

Full article:

Wally Lees (lighting Director, Paul McCartney) : I still remember my very first show with Paul, in Oakland Coliseum at the start of the Driving USA tour. It was his return to live shows after ten years away. It was my first night in charge, I was still a little bit in awe of it all, but I had to be telling everyone what to do, and I managed fine until he got to the section of the show where he talks about John Lennon and then he plays Here Today, and there were people crying all around me. I completely choked up, and I started crying too, so I said, "The spotlights are gonna have to stay on, because I can't talk to you." It was lovely in one sense, but it was also brutal.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, Sep 2014)