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Fact #53424


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Cynthia Lennon : When I married John, I was not necessarily career-minded. I was quite happy to be a wife and a mother.

John Lennon : I couldn't hear a word the bloke was saying for the noise of a drill outside. Then we went across the road and had a chicken dinner. It was all a laugh.

Cynthia Lennon : Pop stars weren't supposed to be married and that's the way it seemed it should be, according to the pop world. It was no strain for me, because I knew I had my man and we loved each other and we were having a baby.

John Lennon : I did feel embarrassed. Walking about, married. It was like walking about with odd socks on or your fly open.

Julia Baird (Lennon's half-sister) : People say Cynthia was a mundane hometown girl, 'mumsy', your average Mrs Liverpool. That's a load of nonsense. Cynthia was a highly talented woman in her own right. A real artist. She painted, she drew, she sculpted, she designed. John, the macho man, said, 'You stay with this child. I'm out touring. You stay here.'