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Fact #53315


Short story:

The Beatles play a lunchtime show at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, followed by an evening show at The Kingsway Club, Southport. Regular drummer Pete Best is unwell, so Ringo Starr deputises for him.

Full article:

Paul McCartney : The first few minutes that Ringo is playing, I look to the left at George and to the right to John, and we didn’t say a word, but I remember thinking, ‘Shit, this is amazing,’ ” says McCartney. He paused to think for a second and then gave an impolitic example. “Look, I love Led Zeppelin, but you watch them playing and you can see them looking back at John Bonham, like, ‘What the hell are you doing — this is the beat.’ You could turn your back on Ringo and never have to worry. He both gave you security and you knew he was going to nail it.
(Source : https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/being-ringo-a-beatles-all-starr-life-114058/)