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Fact #52619


Short story:

At the end of a tour of the USA, The Beatles hang out with The Byrds in Los Angeles, California, USA, before flying home to the UK in the evening.

Full article:

Roger McGuinn (guitarist, The Byrds) : We were up at their house in Bel Air and Crosby and I had our 12-strings with us. John and George were listening to him telling them about Ravi Shankar, and we told them about Indian music in general. We showed them the licks and they were blown away. They loved it.

I guess I also helped them get into Eastern religion. I remember asking George if he believed in God and he said, "Well, we don't know about that yet." I thought it was fascinating that he didn't answer in the first person. He answered in the plural, like The Beatles were a gestalt or something.
(Source : not known)