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Fact #52355


Short story:

When The Beatles play at The Metropolitan Stadium, Bloomington, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, George Harrison is presented with a Rickenbacker 12-string by Ron Butwin and Randy Resnick of local music store B-Sharp Music. Also on the bill are King Curtis, Cannibal And The Headhunters, Brenda Holloway, and Sounds Incorporated.

Full article:

Ron Butwin (owner, B-Sharp Music) : When (UK band) The Remo Four were in town a few weeks back we showed them this guitar when they visited our store and they flipped over it. The group knew The Beatles, and one of the fellows said that George Harrison would love to have a guitar like this. I decided that Randy and I should present it to him when he came to town, with our thanks to The Beatles for causing the guitar business to boom.

George Harrison : I've been playing one for about fifteen months or two years now. It's great, y'know, it's my favourite guitar actually, and that's a brand-new model somebody gave me. It was great!