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Fact #52185


Short story:

George Harrison of The Beatles drives to Forelands Farm, Bembridge, Isle Of Wight, England, UK, Europe, to visit Bob Dylan.

Full article:

Judy Lewis (housekeeper) : One of the first things Bob asked me to get him was some honey. He was quiet and came over as a very well-mannered person. Most of his time he spent playing guitar with George Harrison.

Ray Foulk (festival organiser) : I remember walking through the living room one day and Dylan and Harrison were sitting on a sofa singing The Everly Brothers All I Have To Do Is Dream together. It sounded incredible ... just like The Everly Brothers. There was a lot less rehearsal going on there than one may have imagined.

Judy Lewis : He took a liking for blackberry and apple pies and fruit cakes. Sara was constantly going on at him about his diet. I was forever supplying endless cups of tea to him and Harrison. After supper some evenings he would ask if I would like him to sing something. I would demote George Harrison to fetch things from the kitchen and help me do the washing up so I would not miss anything.

Bob continually ate my porridge and pies with relish. I think Harrison was in awe of him. They got on very well, but I got the impression Dylan felt Harrison was a bit pushy ... wanting to play all the time.

(Source : unknown)