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Fact #39675


Short story:

Peter, Paul and Mary's debut album, In The Wind, reaches No1 in the Billboard albums chart in the USA. The album includes three Bob Dylan songs, Blowin' In the Wind, Don't Think Twice, It's All Right and Quit Your Low Down Ways, plus a sleeve note specially written by Dylan.

Full article:

Bob Dylan : I didn’t usually think of myself as writing songs for others to sing, but it was starting to happen. And it couldn’t have happened with a better group. They took a song of mine that I’d recorded before that was buried on one of my early records (Blowin’ in the Wind), and they turned it into a hit song. Not the way I would have done it - they straightened it out. But since then hundreds of people have recorded it. I don’t think that would have happened if it wasn’t for them. They definitely started something for me.
(Source : speech at Musicares Person Of The Year event, Feb 2015)