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Fact #38874


Short story:

Bob Dylan records a 'home-tape' at the home of his friends Sid and Bob Gleason in East Orange, New York, USA. It features Dylan singing to their daughter Kathy.

Full article:

Bob Dylan : I didn't know the term 'folk music' until I came to New York. 'Folk music' is just a name. I sing a lot of old jazz songs, sentimental cowboy songs, top forty hit parade stuff. People have to name it something so they call folk music. Now there are very few people singing that way. There's been no one around to cut records like the old Leadbelly, Houston and Guthrie. There are young people singing like that, but they're being held back by commercial singers. People who run radio programs don't play the ones singing like that. Folk music is being taken over by people who don't sing that way. It's all right, but to call it folk music ...
(Source : Interview by Izzy Young at The Folklore Center, New York City, 1961)