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Fact #38836


Short story:

When Bob Dylan plays at Gerde's Folk City, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA, he performs the song Masters Of War live for the first time.

Full article:

Bob Dylan : Take Masters Of War. Every time I sing it, someone writes that it's an anti-war song. But there's no anti-war sentiment in that song. I'm not a pacifist. I don't think I've ever been one.

If you look closely at the song, it's about what Eisenhower was saying about the dangers of the military-industrial complex in this country. I believe strongly in everyone's right to defend themselves by every means necessary... you are affected as a writer and a person by the culture and spirit of the times.

I was tuned into it then, I'm tuned into it now. None of us are immune to the spirit of the age. It affects us whether we know it or whether we like it or not.
(Source : interview in tour programme, 2003)