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Fact #32794


Short story:

In her recording test for EMI Records at Abbey Road Studios, London, England, UK, Europe, Cilla Black sings a cover version of A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues, originally recorded by Arthur Alexander.

Full article:

Cilla Black : Brian Epstein was looking for a girl singer to take on, and John said it should be me. I actually thought it was Ringo, but he said, 'It wasn't me who recommended you. It was John.' And John never said a word. He had this kind of shy side – and he was very, very shy with women.

Cilla Black : George (Martin) seemed to like me and I certainly liked him. I fancied him like mad. He was gorgeous.

I went into work on Monday morning and handed in my notice. I said, 'I'm going to be a star.' My boss said, 'What do you mean, star?'
(Source : Independent On Sunday, 15 December, 2002)