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Fact #31362


Short story:

Richard Berry, writer of Louie Louie, is born in Willsbrow, Louisiana, USA.

Full article:

Richard Berry : I was born April 11, 1931. In Louisiana, in a very very very small town, but we called it Willsbrow. I moved to the West Coast, when I was about a baby, which was about 1936. But I went back down south a couple of times, during the war and after the war. You know, my first experience with music was actually CAndW; I listened to Bob Wills And His Texas Playboys and T. Texas Tyler and all those cats. 

I just liked music then and that was most of the things we could hear you know, 'cause at that time they were the only one playing at that idiom... In fact, at that time you heard nothing but jazz, like Glen Miller and Paul Wiseman and all those cats, which I couldn't relate to. Rhythm And Blues wasn't really on the scene, although the blues was on the scene because my mother has records, old records you know, by T.Bone Walker - Stormy Monday Blues. That was the first time I heard that song you know, and it was by T.Bone Walker.
(Source : not known)