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Fact #30925


Short story:

B.B. King's eighth single, Three O'Clock Blues, reaches No1 in the Billboard R'n'B Singles chart in the USA.

Full article:

B.B. King : One of the reasons why I started to bend the notes was because I could never play in the 'bottleneck' style, like Elmore James and my cousin Bukka White. I loved that sound but just couldn't do it. I love the steel guitar but I can't play that either. So the only thing that sounded similar was the trill of my hand. Lonnie Johnson was one of the first to do that; but I also listened, for instance, to the way Lester Young bent notes on the tenor. Incidentally, I've always played a Gibson guitar, except on some of my earlier records when I played a Fender Stratocaster'.
(Source : interview by David Walters, Time Out, Nov 1971)

Joe Bihari (producer/engineer) : The pianist on the session was Phineas Newborn Jr, but he couldn't get the right piano feel that we wanted. A young guy named Ike Turner who was hanging around, asked if he could take up the piano stool and sit in, and in two takes, Three O'Clock Blues was in the bag.