Fact #27209
Short story:
It is reported that Disney has removed from sale t-shirts bearing an image of Mickey Mouse which closely resembled the artwork on the cover of Joy Division's 1979 album Unknown Pleasures. There had been criticisms earlier in the week, not just on the grounds of plagiarism, but on the suitability of using - on a t-shirt aimed at children - an image widely associated with a band whose singer, Ian Curtis, committed suicide.
Full article:
Stephen Morris (drummer, Joy Division) : I was quite angry when I first saw it. No-one asked us. They’re trading off the band and our album cover, but get away with it by apparently saying the design was ‘inspired’ by us. I don’t like the design at all. It’s horrible. I can’t imagine any Joy Division fans wearing it. Or anyone for that matter.
Clearly, no-one investigated the history of the band before coming up with this idea. It’s bizarre.
(Source : https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/taking-the-mickey-joy-division-drummers-359212)
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Clearly, no-one investigated the history of the band before coming up with this idea. It’s bizarre.
(Source : https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/taking-the-mickey-joy-division-drummers-359212)