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Fact #22028


Short story:

Twilight Hotel release the album When The Wolves Go Blind, as a CD in the UK.

Full article:

Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News.
Songwriting duo Brandy Zdan and Dave Quarnbury originally hail from Winnipeg in Canada’s heartland, but they’re now based in the music-rich community of Austin, Texas. Musically, their third album doesn’t depart far from their trademark style, identified by one observer as “dark twang and noir cabaret”, but that’s no bad thing as they’re very good at it indeed. One minor change is that their lyrics are now drawn more from personal experience than from their fertile imaginations, so when they sing of a Frozen Town, you just know they mean Winnipeg in mid-winter. It’s a small detail but it helps explain why this tightly crafted album is easily their best yet.