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Fact #21694


Short story:

Eden Kane, Joe Brown And The Bruvvers, Shane Fenton And The Fentones, Peter Jay And The Jaywalkers, Dean Prince And The Dukes, Ricky Forde And The Cyclones, Royston Jones And The Raiders, Johnny Slade And The Vikings, Paul Clayton And The Corvettes, Johnny Vince and Johnny Lloyd play at Colston Hall, bristol, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Peter Miller (The Jaywalkers] : Every year there was a spring tour, which would last a couple of months, and then the summer season would come along, that would take 14 to 16 weeks, and then we'd go out on the autumn tour, which would take us up to the end of November. And in between we'd be recording TV shows and photo shoots, and loads of ball-room gigs, just single nights in these big dance-halls: Meccas, Sloughs, Hammersmith Palais. We liked the ballroom gigs 'cause we got to play longer. On the tours we'd only get to play like 13-14 minutes of our own set - although we'd be backing most of the acts on the bill, so we'd be onstage all night. On a ballroom gig we would always be the main attraction, there would be one or two local bands, and we'd get 45 minutes.
(Source : not known)