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Fact #20559


Short story:

The Rolling Stones play at The Ricky Tick Club, Windsor, UK.

Full article:

John Mansfield (promoter) : By the time they'd finished their first number you could tell that they'd hit the girls' musical G spot because they were all just screaming wild. It was like hypnotic music because it was a fusion between Bo Diddley and Chuck Berry - it was all pulsating rhythms.

With the Stones, after their first gig we took them to a restaurant up by the castle because they were ravenously hungry.

They were being a bit unruly and they kept throwing things at each other. There was a bookmaker Henry, his wife and twin daughters sat behind us and the Stones kept making licentious remarks.

As we were leaving Keith Richards made some slightly crude remark to the girls. Henry stood up and with arms outstretched in front of his daughters he said, "I wouldn't let a daughter of mine go out with a Rolling Stone."