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Fact #196083


Short story:

Simon Gallup, longtime bassist of The Cure, reveals in a social media post that he has re-joined the group. He had left the band the previous August for personal reasons.

Full article:

Robert Smith (The Cure) : For me, the heart of the live band has always been Simon, and he’s always been my best friend. It’s weird that over the years and the decades he’s often been overlooked. He doesn’t do interviews, he isn’t really out there and he doesn’t play the role of a foil to me in public, and yet he’s absolutely vital to what we do.

We’ve had some difficult periods over the years but we’ve managed to maintain a very strong friendship that grew out of that shared experience from when we were teens. When you have friends like that, particularly for that long, it would take something really extraordinary for that friendship to break.

You’ve done so much together, you’ve so much shared experience, you just don’t want to lose friends like that.
(Source : interview in NME 2019)