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Fact #195020


Short story:

Simon And Garfunkel record Kathy's Song, April Come She Will and Blues Run The Game in New York City, USA, for Columbia Records.

Full article:

Paul Simon : When I was living in England, I worked in a club in a town called Swindon (Wiltshire)… I spent the night with a friend of mine in a smaller village called Great Coxswell, not that it means anything, no pun intended. We'd stayed up all night and talked and I said to her, 'Let's go out in the morning and do it.' We went out at dawn and she recited an English nursery rhyme, it was a children's rhyme and it was about a cuckoo, a bird. It went, 'April come she will. May she will stay, June she'll change her tune. July she will fly. August die she must.'
(Sour ce : not known)