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Fact #194360


Short story:

Taste, with Rory Gallagher on guitar, play at The Marquee Club, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Donal Gallagher (brother of Rory Gallagher) : : The Marquee was huge back then. This was before they put a bar in, so you could pack about 1,500 people in. There was no such thing as health and safety and as it wasn’t licensed, no one ever checked on it. The Marquee was also a place where promoters from across Europe would come to check the new talent.

After one of Taste’s first London gigs in 1967, this guy from Nottingham, who booked The Boat House, offered us a fiver to come up and support Captain Beefheart. We leapt at it. The fiver probably covered the petrol! I remember we stayed at the worst dosshouse in Nottingham, along with about thirty lorry drivers! But the gig was great and Rory was very impressed by Captain Beefheart and his band as they had strong blues and jazz influences.

After the show was over, Rory was chatting with Beefheart, and Beefheart said, ‘I hit all the bum notes I can.’ That was new to Rory. He had come up in the showbands where every note had to be perfect. So playing with different bands got Rory thinking about music in different ways.
(Source : https://www.loudersound.com/features/rory-gallagher-taste-sensation-1)