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Fact #194244


Short story:

The first day of the Futurama 79 Festival is held in Queen's Hall, Leeds, West Yorkshire, England, UK, Europe, featuring A Certain Ratio, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark (OMD), Joy Division and PiL.

Full article:

Andy Gill (journalist) : When Ian Curtis (of Joy Division) went on, he started this long process of winding himself up, slowly working himself up into this whirling dervish with flailing arms and strange dancing. Quite astonishing. They were the only group that night who clearly had their own sound. The only band that had found something.

Paul Trynka (audience) : John Lydon (of PiL) was particularly obnoxious that night. Most of the time he had his back to the audience. Then came an incident when a bottle was tossed across the stage to Jah Wobble, who spent the set sitting in an armchair. The bottle was then thrown into the audience, hitting a woman.