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Fact #194222


Short story:

Sham 69 play at The Roxy, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Dave Parsons (guitarist, Sham 69) : To me, punk was a rejection of the way the music industry was being run. If you weren’t The Eagles or Elton John, you could forget it. Punk was about the ordinary kid in the street realising a new confidence and saying, ‘Shit! I can do this.’

Chas Smash (Madness) : When we arrived, you had bands like Sham 69, which was sort of a skinhead resurgence. The skinhead resurgence wasn't the sort of skinhead thing that we were into. It was more of a sort of right-wing, Oi!, not overtly fascist, but it was definitely more aggressive. It's really obvious, it's sort of plainly obvious that wasn't what we were into. We weren't an Oi! band, we were happy, it was up, we were kids enjoying ourselves.