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Fact #193038


Short story:

Richfield, Minnesota quartet The Castaways score their only hit when Liar, Liar peaks at No12 in the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA.

Full article:

Dennis Craswell (The Castaways) : We couldn't get into any of the main rooms in town – it was sewed up. Everybody else, it seemed, had a record on the charts. We approached Soma (Records) and they signed us to a one-record contract. It's funny but, once Liar Liar took off, we never got to play any of the rooms we had made the record for – we were too busy travelling the country.

A regular label understands that you've got to have more product, but they had us on the road touring and doing tv and then, when it was too late, they say, 'Hey, you guys, we need another record.' We didn't know what was supposed to be done. Liar Liar was No13 in Billboard, and we didn't even have a record contract. We could've signed with anybody but we didn't know any better. we were only, like, fifteen years old.
(Source : not known)