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Fact #192501


Short story:

Albertini, Dave Berry, Cilla Black, Sounds Incorporated, The Caravettes, Dalida, Louis van Dyke Trio, the Everly Brothers, Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, Claude François, Trio Hellenique, Grethe Ingman, Wanda Jackson, Renate and Werner Leismann, Vera Lynn, Enrico Macias, Wencke Myhre, Esther Ofarim, Rita Pavone, Ronny and Tio Rangers, The Scorpions, The Supremes, Les Surfs, Lucille Starr, Unit 4 Plus 2, ZZ And The Masks and the Frans Kok Orchestra with dance group of the Silhouettes, perform in the Grand Gala Des Disques at the Congress Building, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Europe.