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Fact #192156


Short story:

Dusty Springfield is arrested in South Africa for "blatantly flouting apartheid laws" i.e. performing in front of an multiracial audience at a show in Witteborne near Cape Town. An South African Government statement declares, "She was on two occasions warned through her manager to observe our South African way of life in regard to entertainment and was informed that if she failed to do so she would have to leave the country. She chose to defy the Government and was accordingly allowed to remain in the country for a limited time only." Dusty will be deported two days later.

Full article:

Dusty Springfield : I’ve got a special clause written into the contract which stipulates that I shall play only to non-segregated audiences. That’s my little bit to help the coloured people there. I think I’m the first British artist to do this. Brian Poole And The Tremeloes were supposed to do the same, but I believe that in the end they had to play some segregated concerts. If they force me into anything like that I’ll be on the first plane home.

Dusty Springfield : Halfway through my act the men from the Ministry said they would be waiting for me at my hotel.

Vic Billings (manager) : They pestered me for about one and a half days trying to make me sign their document.

The police arrived just before our second show there, took us to the hotel, took our passports and said, ‘We’re going to have to sort out your work permit.’ They came back the next day and said that we could continue, but only if we played to segregated audiences.

They gave us twenty-four hours to stay in South Africa, which was tantamount to deportation. It got very nasty. Dusty was very upset, we were scared and marooned in a hotel for three days, not allowed to make calls home to London and surrounded by people who were alien and opposed to us.
(Source : http://republic-of-teesside.blogspot.com/2014/07/a-right-dusty-up-in-battle-against.html)

Dusty Springfield : I just think that anybody, if they want to buy a ticket, should be allowed to. I was determined not to play to segregated audiences.
(Source : http://republic-of-teesside.blogspot.com/2014/07/a-right-dusty-up-in-battle-against.html)